
作者: 盖·皮尔斯
发表日期: 2024年2月6日

作者附言:多亏了 ISACA基加利分会的Sandra Uwadede和Pascaline Umuhire, 谁是这篇博文的主要贡献者.

数字标准是有益的. 例如,对于IT治理,有e.g. ISO/IEC 38500和 CGEIT; for 风险 there is e.g. ISO31000和 CRISC; for audit and security there is e.g. ISO / IEC 27000, CISM, 中钢协; and for privacy there is e.g. ISO/IEC 27701, GDPR,和 CDPSE. Such standards provide objective frames of reference for assessing and developing personal digital proficiency.

Similarly – although a lot less formally – countries can find their assessment and developmental frames of reference by looking to other countries. 他们可能会选择向那些被认为比他们更先进的国家寻求灵感. 而有用的, the country should take care not to dismiss its own unique achievements in a case of assuming the grass is always greener on the other side.

A global digital benchmark country is recognized as a reference point for digital advances that makes life better for its citizens. 数字经济在各方面取得了显著成就和进步. 它甚至为发达国家提供了值得学习的宝贵见解.

这些标志同样适用于任何国家. Even developed countries can struggle with aspects of digital and the continuous improvement digital transformation demands – for example, 一些人认为加拿大联邦政府 需要一剂数字转型的强心剂 考虑到面对面服务需要排长队, 不好的网站, 一些公共项目和服务的申请仍然是纸质的.

卢旺达 – a landlocked country in east-central Africa – is an example of a country that may need to look a little less to other countries for digital leadership because it is itself a benchmark. 因为它的大小, 卢旺达实现了以数字为主导的非凡成果, 在1994年对图西族的种族灭绝之后,仅用了20年的时间就从零发展起来, 数码竞争力.

I was impressed by the state of digital development I discovered in person while spending 44 days in 卢旺达 in 2023, initially helping with digital capability development for the Ministry of Health in an engagement funded by Global Affairs Canada and implemented by Alinea International. 这项工作还扩展到参与国家数字卫生. 

基于访问, 探索像加拿大这样的国家的数字课程是很有见地的, 我住的地方, 可以向卢旺达这样的国家学习吗. 考虑以下几点:


数字参照系可以是全球性的.g.(图1),但也可以是区域性的. That’s because solutions to regional challenges could be more successful with regional or local solutions rather than with solutions deployed in totally different geographic contexts. 



更多的例子 为什么卢旺达是数字化的标杆:

  1. 世界经济论坛将卢旺达政府在推广信息通信技术方面的成功列为非洲第一名.
  2. 经济自由指数将卢旺达排在撒哈拉以南非洲的第二位.
  3. 世界银行营商环境指数将卢旺达排在第29位,是前30名中唯一的低收入国家. 相比之下,加拿大的排名仅高出6位.


推动卢旺达数字化发展的一个关键因素是,它发现了一个需要解决的大问题. 在大屠杀之后,它将如何重建经济? 答案是数字化.

图2:国家数字领导力——来自一个问题(经济), 解决方案(跨越式发展和民族团结), 实施(以本地想法为基础)


A thought-provoking finding was the nature of the alignment between various national sector strategies and policies, 以及数字化在他们内部的主导地位. This national attempt at breaking down governmental silos and being single-mindedly focused on digital was an eye-opener. 卢旺达’s encompassing approach to digital as a means of national competitiveness is encapsulated by the following:

“卢旺达’s history is tainted with a dark past but as a people we have committed to rebuild and emerge as a stronger nation, 一个发达和包容的社会,她没有被她的过去残废,而是被它赋予了力量. 在众多因素中, 作为政府, 我们很早就认识到数字技术的力量,它超越了我们,使我们相互联系, 复原和复原的社会.

”,因此, we invested and continue to invest in digital infrastructures that enable data-led public service delivery, 使公民能够方便地获得公共服务, 办理无缝, 远程咨询和交易, 安全浏览网络空间, 捕获农场的空中数据, 等. 旅程仍在继续, 当我们自我反省时, 向他人学习,并根据需要进行调整, as we also try to tackle other challenges such as digital literacy skills that directly impact citizens’ ability to participate in the digital economy.——信息通信技术和创新部部长Paula Ingabire.

The emphasis on the continuous improvement of digitalization is an important part of 卢旺达’s approach; many seem to miss this critical facet of successful digital transformation.


衡量国家政府成功与否的一个关键指标是结果. 卢旺达在数字领域取得的八项显著成就包括:

  1. 非洲仅有13个国家有电子垃圾立法
  2. 聊天机器人帮助卢旺达人更容易接触到医生或护士
  3. 2019年发射了第一颗电信卫星“卢瓦- sat -1”
  4. 创新科技激发卢旺达实现“非洲制造”梦想
  5. 非洲第一个启动国家无人机运输系统的国家之一
  6. 农村学校有来自卢旺达另一颗卫星Icyerekezo的高速互联网
  7. 非洲智慧城市先锋. 2016年,公交车提供免费Wi-Fi和无现金支付
  8. 利用数字技术从发展中国家发展到发达国家(来自图2)


Initiatives like the East African Community Single Network Area and the One Area Network for lower cross-border call tariffs (eliminating roaming charges) have been driven by 卢旺达’s commitment to regional collaboration. 此外, the east African e-Passport initiative enables citizens from 卢旺达 and other EAC member states to travel across the region using a single digital passport.


作为我在卢旺达的一部分, 我借此机会联系了当地ISACA分会的领导, Sandra Uwadede(分会副主席)和Pascaline Umuhire(分会主任), 以了解他们对本地资讯科技环境的影响.

我了解到ISACA基加利, 在它短暂的三年旅程中, is dedicated to advancing cybersecurity practices and nurturing professional growth locally and regionally. Sandra和Pascaline积极地与非洲各地的ISACA分会合作, they aim to help increasingly empower individuals and organizations with the knowledge and skills essential for navigating the ever-evolving technological landscape.

图3:Sandra, Guy和Pascaline在基加利

图3:Sandra, Guy和Pascaline在基加利

事实上, cybersecurity and 卢旺达’s recent data protection law are extremely topical in a health context given its highly sensitive data, 关于数字医疗能力的讨论主要集中在安全标准和审计上.


卢旺达是世界上最贫穷的国家之一, yet it has managed to catch up to much of the rest of the world in a few short years since the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi. 举个例子, 图2比较了加拿大和卢旺达多年来的关键数字里程碑, 特别是自2010年以来.




一个有趣的发现(图4)是数字在国家话语中的普及程度. This itself could be a major driver of 卢旺达’s digital performance in such a compact timeframe; speaking digital helps bring digital to life. 相比之下,你们国家的民族话语的性质是什么?



  1. Focused political will – with multi-dimensional citizen and private sector buy-in – can reap strong economic benefits from modest resources
  2. 如果目标明确,全球基准数字成就并不需要雄厚的财力
  3. 设计数字包容的原则
  4. 数字化设计的原理
  5. 将数字化融入政策
  6. 性能测量


Just as global standards are useful for personal and even organizational digital performance assessments, country comparisons can be a source of inspiration and aspiration for national-level digital performance assessments. 卢旺达和加拿大是一个有趣的比较,因为它: 

  • 数字经济在各方面取得显著成就和进展, 在资源极其有限和时间非常短的情况下更是如此
  • 因为它是“非洲制造”,所以能激发当地的灵感,在全球范围内具有相对较高的金融生产力
  • 为其他国家提供了宝贵的借鉴. 例如, regional digital integration is a great learning point for Canada with respect to the benefits of provincial digital integration. The nature of 卢旺达’s active monitoring and evaluation performance measurement at the government level is also a great learning

卢旺达是一个数字标杆, 其经验教训对从A到Z的各个国家都有价值. This blog post shows how countries could learn from comparing their digital performance not only with traditionally high-performing countries (that have much greater financial and other resources) but with high-performing developing countries, 太.
