
Carol Lee, CISM, CRISC, CDPSE, C|CISO, CCSP, CEH, CIPM, CSSLP; Terence Law, CISA, CFA, CISSP, CPA, Certified Banker; Tom Huang, CISA, PMP, Prince2; Lanis Lam, CISA, AWS (SAP), CPA
Author: Carol Lee, CISM, CRISC, CDPSE, C|CISO, CCSP, CEH, CIPM, CSSLP; Terence Law, CISA, CFA, CISSP, CPA, Certified Banker; Tom Huang, CISA, PMP, Prince2; Lanis Lam, CISA, AWS (SAP), CPA
Date Published: 17 November 2023
Related: Artificial Intelligence Resources

事实证明,2023年是生成式人工智能(AI)治理的重要一年。. 中国内地已出台《澳门赌场官方软件》(下称《澳门赌场官方下载》),对生成式人工智能技术的开发和使用不仅在中国内地,而且可能在全球范围内产生广泛影响.

A Groundbreaking Step Toward Regulating AI Technologies

The Interim Measures, drafted based on the China Cybersecurity Law, the China Data Security Law, 《澳门赌场官方下载》和《澳门赌场官方软件》, promote the healthy development and regulated use of generative AI. 这些措施旨在管理向中国大陆公众提供的生成式人工智能产品和服务, such as ChatGPT-like services. They aim to address concerns related to content moderation, information distortion and abuse, algorithmic bias and prejudice, and transparency.

Notably, these measures have excluded the research, development and use of generative AI by industry associations, enterprises, education and research institutions, public cultural bodies, 及相关专业团体,除非该生成式人工智能服务是向中国内地公众提供. 与2023年4月发布的《澳门赌场官方软件》相比, 《澳门赌场官方下载》强调了平衡创新与治理的必要性,以及对服务提供者施加义务而不是监督服务使用者的重要性.

Balancing Innovation and Governance

  • Mainland China places equal emphasis on development and security, 坚持推动创新与依法治理相结合. 鼓励生成式人工智能创新发展,对生成式人工智能服务实行分类均衡审慎管理.
  • 许多国家面临着管理与人工智能相关的风险的挑战,同时也考虑到由于严格的治理对人工智能技术的经济增长和扩展的影响.
  • In terms of development, 中国鼓励生成式人工智能基础技术自主创新, such as algorithms, frameworks, chips and supporting software platforms. 推动生成式人工智能基础设施建设和公共培训数据资源平台建设.

Stricter Regulations for AI Service Providers

  • Generative AI service providers are required to conduct pre-training, 优化培训等活动,依法处理培训数据.
  • 提供商必须使用具有合法来源的数据和基础模型, 尊重知识产权,避免侵犯他人的权利.
  • Providers are also required to maintain transparency in their services, increase the accuracy and reliability of generated content, and respect the physical and psychological well-being of others.
  • 世界各国政府正在制定监管人工智能开发和部署的法规, including the proposal of the European Union (EU) AI Act, Singapore’s Model AI Governance Framework 2.0 and the United States Algorithmic Accountability Act. However, 这些法规都没有像中国大陆引入的那样包括具体的负责任人工智能要求.

Oversight Inspections and Legal Responsibilities

  • 《澳门赌场官方下载》还规定了主要治理机构或监管部门, such as Internet information, education, science and technology, public security, radio, television, press, and publication, 加强辖区内人工智能生成服务管理.
  • 《澳门赌场官方下载》未规定具体处罚限额,参照《澳门赌场官方下载》的规定, the China Data Security Law, 《澳门赌场官方下载》和《澳门赌场官方软件》, among other laws and administrative regulations.

Implications for the Future

《澳门赌场官方下载》的出台标志着全球朝着规范人工智能技术迈出了重要一步. 它提供了一个法律框架,以确保在中国大陆提供生成人工智能服务时,正确和合乎道德地使用生成人工智能技术. While the Interim Measures are specific to Mainland China, 它们可能会成为其他国家考虑类似立法的蓝本. 随着人工智能技术的不断发展,并在各个领域变得越来越普遍, 拥有全面的法律框架的重要性变得更加关键. 中国大陆制定的《澳门赌场官方软件》是朝着这一方向迈出的重要一步. 观察这些措施将如何影响和塑造未来生成式人工智能服务的发展和应用将是一件有趣的事情.

进一步了解中国大陆人工智能道德治理的其他监管趋势和最佳实践, 请参阅业界新闻文章《澳门赌场官方下载》。 here.

Editor’s note: For more ISACA AI resources, visit

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